Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Flickr, or Not to Flickr

I want to be the person who uses Flickr.

I want to take a lot of wonderful pictures, enhance them, store them, send them to friends, and use for new and interesting projects.

Maybe because of this exercise I'll find the nearest phone booth, rip off the glasses, bust out of the suit and become...(oh, that's another story..) Or  maybe I'll start taking pictures and download them to my computer.

Actually, I've taken the first step. I actually bought a camera...a Coolpix S220....(sort of sounds like a car.) I took the camera with me on an expedition to Rome and actually snapped a few shots. With help, I downloaded them to my computer and sent them to a few friends. Next, I plan to get the red out of my eyes (in the pictures...)

I can see great opportunities for this and like I said...I want to be the person who uses Flickr. I want to be neat and organized (and I'd like to leap tall buildings...)